<aside> 💡 If a purchase is made with an e-gift, the same email content as the regular email will be sent. This may cause some confusion in the case of e-gifts. In such cases, this guide is intended for those who wish to set up an email specifically for e-gifts.


For example, if you want to set the "Review Order" button not to be sent for e-gift purchases

Insert the following code into the order completion email or shipment completion email.

{% assign isGift = false %}
{% for line_item in line_items %}
  {% for property in line_item.properties %}
     {% if property.first == "e-Gift" %}
        {% assign isGift = true %}
      {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

You can insert the following code in the order completion email or shipping completion email to make the "confirm order" button not appear when the purchase is an e-gift.

{% unless isGift %}
   <table class="button main-action-cell">
         <td class="button__cell"><a href="{{ order_status_url }}" class="button__text">View your order</a></td>
 {% endunless %}